Oliver Cromwell’s summing up of the 1655 debate on whether
to readmit the Jews to England:
Now the Protector having heard all their [theologians]
sentiments upon this affair, declared, “That he had no engagement to the Jews,
but what the scriptures held forth, and that since there was a promise of their
conversion, means must be used to that end, which was the preaching of the
gospel, and that could not be had unless they were permitted to reside where
the gospel was preached. That he had hoped, by these preachers, to have hade
some clearing of the case, as to matters of conscience, but seeing these agreed
not, but were of different opinions, it was left more doubtful to him, and the
council, than before: And he hoped he should do nothing herein hastily or
rashly, and had much need of all their prayers, that the Lord would direct them
so as might be to his glory, and the good of the nation.”
Two journeys to
Jerusalem: Containing first, A strange and true ..., Volume 1. Page 152