Friday, 19 June 2020

Family Nunes Vaz - A Journey of Western Sephardic Genealogy

Meeting - Sunday 21st June 2020

Jarrett Ross - the GeneaVlogger - is a well-known personality in the world of Jewish genealogy, especially through his YouTube channel. Jarrett has been researching his Nunes Vaz ancestors for over a decade and has traced back to 17th century Italy. The Nunes Vaz family spread from Iberia, via Livorno, across the Sephardic world including to Amsterdam, London, North and South America, and elsewhere.

As well as being genealogy celeb and co-administrator of The Sephardic Diaspora Facebook group with Ton, David and Michael, Jarrett is an administrator on Geni and has established himself as an expert on Jewish genetic genealogy. Jarrett is also standing as a candidate for the IAJGS Board.

Topic: Family Nunes Vaz - A Journey of Western Sephardic Genealogy
Time: Jun 21, 2020 07:00 PM London
(This is 7pm British summertime; GMT +1)

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Thursday, 11 June 2020

Jews of Livorno

This Sunday, 14 June 2020, on the Sephardic World group, Alain Nedjar will discuss the newly published book on Livorno marriage certificates. This was several years work for four people and sets a new standard in Jewish genealogical publishing. Amongst other achievements, they have been able to fill gaps left by missing volumes. A masterful achievement.